Unlock Telegram Insights
with TG.VET

TG.VET is a powerful analytics platform that tracks user statistics for Telegram groups and channels. It provides insights into user growth, trends, and engagement, helping you to better understand your audience and optimize your Telegram strategy

Total Accounts
0 M
Total Channels
0 M
TG.VET Users
Total Analysis


Learn How We Work

TG.VET is a dynamic analytics tool meticulously crafted for Telegram groups and channels. 

Our primary mission is to equip you with the insights and understanding needed to make your Telegram strategy a resounding success.




    Our service involved a detailed summary as listed below that is manually researched by one of our experienced team. Before you receive the report, a 2nd Auditor is required to check the initial audit to ensure ass pass marks and guidelines have been adhered to before we send you the final Audit Report
    $50PER AUDIT
    • Telegram Health and Score Detailed Check
    • The $50 Payment Audit Includes Real Time Updates: (By Request) receive an updated "Re-Audit" to your research which Includes 5 x Up to the minute Audit Updates (Max 5 within 12 months): Ensuring you're always informed about the latest user activities and engagement within the Telegram Group or Channel you'd paid to have audited. *(12 month Expiry Applies)
    • In-Depth User Analytics: TG.VET offers comprehensive analytics, providing detailed insights into user behavior, growth, and engagement within Telegram groups or channels.
    • Identify Audience Demographics: TG.VET helps you pinpoint your audience's demographics, allowing you to speficially see within the Audit Report content and engagement strategies that resonate with chosen target audiences.
    • Enhanced User Growth: With data-driven insights, your Audit report can identify what works and replicate successful strategies to attract and retain more members
    • Track Competitor Performance: Compare your group or channel's performance with competitors, gaining valuable insights for competitive advantage.
    • Security Against Bots: Detect and eliminate bot activity within your community, ensuring a genuine and engaging audience.
    • Data-Driven Decision Making: Make informed decisions backed by data, empowering you to create a thriving and engaging Telegram community that stands out.